Sunday, December 28, 2008
An Adventure Up North
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Secret Santa?
So Readers, if the lovely present is from you, thank you so much!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Joys of the Season
Me: "I am having a hard enough time getting everything done at work and at home - I cannot add another big project like rearranging a bedroom! I am cooking and cleaning and shopping and wrapping and baking and organizing all of the activities! I can't do one more thing"
Him: "So I should have helped you fold the laundry right now?"
Me: "Or at least put your book down when I am having a meltdown!"
Happy Holidays to All!
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Christmas Quiz
Wrapping paper or gift bags? I like both - although I can't seem to find where my bags are this year.
Real tree or artificial? Since we have been in this house, we have had a real tree. This tree its HUGE!
When do you put up the tree? Thanksgiving weekend.
When do you take the tree down? Sometime before the Super Bowl.
Do you like eggnog? I do. I like to drink it with my dad.
Favorite gift received as a child? As a kid, it was my Sony Walkman. It took cassette tapes. As an adult, I guess it would be my diamond ring. 15 years ago this Christmas Eve.
Hardest person to buy for? My mother-in-law, although she has great taste.
Easiest person to buy for? Dave - he likes stuff.
Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, and it stays up all year long.
Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail - did you get yours? If not, see below.
Worst Christmas gift you ever received? One that wasn't meant for me - you could just tell.
Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story.
Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes, maybe it was to you :)
Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? I love all of the appetizers and festive drinks.
Lights on the tree? Of course! And I like lots of them.
Favorite Christmas song? Let it Snow
Travel at Christmas or stay home? We stay at home Christmas Eve and we are free to travel any time after 2 pm on Christmas Day.
Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Yes, and I will even sing it for you it you want!
Angel on the tree top or a star? We can't seem to agree on that here so we do both. Compromise :)
Open presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Eve with the in-laws and Christmas morning with the 4 of us.
Most annoying thing about this time of the year? The traffic - I just don't like it.
Favorite ornament theme or color? I love the ornaments from my Gram.
What do you want for Christmas this year? Peace and harmony.
When do you start shopping for Christmas? I actually shop all year long. If I find something I know you like, I buy it when I find it.
Favorite Christmas dinner? Steak and cheesy potatoes at our house on Christmas Eve.
Happy Holidays to all!
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Christmas Cards are Out!
Friday, November 28, 2008
I'm Thankful

Monday, November 24, 2008
Back Home
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Tribute to Veterans

After lunch and dessert, the kids put on a music program and there is also a Color Guard. They sing the National Anthem, songs from each of the 5 branches of the service and other patriotic songs.
BTW - I did cry again. Watching my Kelsey belt out the National Anthem got me.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Going to the Movies
So what 12 movies have I made it to:
- The Muppet Movie
- Swiss Family Robinson
- One of the Batman movies
- Wayne's World (at the drive-in)
- Titanic
- Madagascar 2
- Speed (at the drive-in)
- Ocean's Twelve
- Kung Fu Panda
- One of the Harry Potter movies
- The Firm
- The Distinguished Gentlemen
And by the way, I guess I should be glad that we don't do the dinner and movie thing very often. It was a hundred dollar night!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween, Part II
Halloween, Part I
After Kaitlyn was dresses, I hauled it down to Kelsey's room to help her get dresses. She was a "Goth Teenage Queen". She had that idea months ago. I told her that I wasn't sure how appropriate that would be. Well, she drew me a picture of what she wanted and thanks to the Internet, I was able to find something that we both liked. When all the kids were dressed, there was a parade around the playground.
When the parade concluded, both girls had parties in their classrooms. I floated between the two parties - I called Bingo in Kaitlyn's class and picked up trash in Kelsey's class. All is all, it was a great afternoon. Apparently my Daphne costume of last year set the bar pretty high. Many people were disappointed in my take on Sarah Palin.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Quote of the evening
Monday, October 27, 2008
Ah, to be a kid again ...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
An interesting greeting
My answer? We don't have soccer tonight - we have a bye!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
More about Costumes
As for the party last night, I had a great time. I am sore all over from dancing, my dress has random drink stains on it - again from the dance floor, one of my feet was bloody, and on the other foot, the polish came completely off one of my toes. That is the sign of a good time!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thinking about Halloween

This year, Kelsey is going to be a Goth Princess and Kaitlyn is going to be a Unity Rockets cheerleader. Kelsey drew me a picture of what she wanted and, thanks to the magic of the Internet, I was able to find something! Kaitlyn already had the cheerleading outfit - we are just going to bling it up a bit!
My work is really cool about Halloween. They host a costume contest and pumpkin carving contest every year. There are lots of good sports at work and we have dressed up in awesome costumes the past few years.

I am not sure what way I should go this year. Any ideas?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Livin' in a small town
You don't put too much effort into hairstyles due to wind and weather.
Thank goodness for my naturally curly hair - it masks the mess from the humidity!
You are related to more than half the town.
I am not, since I didn't grow up here but it is true for the rest of the town. You should never say anything negative about anyone because you may be talking to their cousin or brother-in-law.
You can tell the difference between a deer and a cow from a distance.
At home, yes. But here, I have been told, that it's silly to have cows and waste all that good farmground.
Using the elevator involves a corn truck.
And it's a half-mile from my house.
Your mayor is also your garbage hauler, barber, and insurance salesman.
In our town, the mayor is a professor at a local university. In a neighboring town, the neighbor is the town barber.
Your car breaks down outside of town and news of it reaches back to town before you do.
I made the mistake of getting pulled over in town once. Everyone knew about it by nightfall!
You know you should listen to the weather forecast before picking out an outfit.
Exactly! It was 48 this morning when I got up and was 83 by afternoon.
You are walking knee-deep in snow.
Not yet, but the Farmer's Almanac said it's coming.
There's a tornado warning and the whole town is outside watching for it.
It's a big neighborhood event!
You go to the State Fair for your family vacation.
We would all pile in and stay together - parents, aunts, uncles, cousins. We saved the change found in the laundry for treats at the Fair.
You get up at 5:30 a.m. and go down to the coffee shop.
I don't but many people do. If you need anything in the morning, that is where you can find many people.
You are on a first name basis with the county sheriff.
We have to know the county sheriff since there aren't town cops.
You call the wrong number and talk to the person for an hour anyway.
You can probably give them the correct number, too.
You can tell it's a farmer working late in his field and not a UFO.
There was a harvest party in the field across the street last night. Perfect night!
Your nearest neighbor is in the next area code.
It is long distance to call the town next to us!
Your excuse for getting out of school is that the cows got out.
I was late to a National Honor Society dinner my senior year because the pig feeder broke.
It takes 30 seconds to reach your destination and it's clear across town.
That is one nice thing - driving 10 miles takes 10 minutes.
The meaning of true love is that you'll ride in the tractor with him.
I prefered combining - there was more going on. I also used to sit in the middle seat in the pick-up to be even closer.
When someone says they are going out for dinner or supper, you know which meal they are talking about.
"Lunch only comes in a brown bag."
The only traffic jam's are caused when a farmer drives down Main Street on his combine.
Or there is a train stopped at the elevator.
You don't signal turns because everyone knows where you're going, anyway.
And they talk in your car is in a different driveway than it should be.
Everyone knows all the news before it's published. But, people read the paper to see whether the publisher got the facts right.
And to see who has a birthday or anniversary that week.
You miss a Sunday at church and receive a get-well card.
It's easier to call in your attendance than to face the questions later.
You know what 4-H is.
Proud member! And so are my kids :)
You ever went to parties at a pasture, barn, or in the middle of a dirt road.
And maybe I still do!
You used to drag "main."
In Marengo, I think it was a sanctioned Saturday night event.
You schedule parties around the schedule of different police officers, since you know which ones would bust you and which ones wouldn't (same goes with the game warden)
Knowledge is power!
You could never buy cigarettes because all the store clerks knew how old you were (and if you were old enough they'd tell your parents anyhow).
Thank goodness for the cig machine at the bowling alley in Crystal Lake.
When you did find someone old enough and brave enough to buy cigarettes, you still had to go out to the country and drive on back roads to smoke them.
The field by the Junior High was perfect.
It was cool to date someone from the neighboring town.
It was even cooler to wear their football jersey.
You had senior skip day.
And everyone skipped.
You don't give directions by street names or directions by references (turn by Nelson's house, go two blocks past Anderson's, and it's four houses left of the track field).
In our town, you turn at the Casey's.
You can't help but date a friend's ex-girlfriend (or boyfriend).
I have a great (but not printable) story about this from high school.
Your car stays filthy because of the dirt roads, and you will never own a dark vehicle for this reason.
My car is always dirty.
Anyone you want can be found at either the Dairy Queen or the feed store.
Well, in the morning, they are at coffee. Back in my hometown, it was the Dairy Mart - there were no chain restaurants.
You see at least one friend a week driving a tractor through town.
And maybe caught a ride to school!
Football coaches suggest that you haul hay for the summer to get stronger.
I had the best looking arms the summer I baled hay.
You can charge at all the local stores.
And now you can charge at the restaurant uptown.
It is normal to see an old man riding through town on a riding lawnmower.
Kids too. Golf carts are fairly common too.
What is unique to where you live?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
17 Breakthroughs
The Internet
Uh, hello? Thank goodness that was #1 on the list! What would I do without the internet? I don't even want to think about answering that question!
Cell Phones
Dave and I, in some combination, have had a cell phone since 1993. His first phone was purchased by his folks when he was driving 130 miles per day - and it was a bag phone. I may have to find a photo and post it here - it was so awesome. I am trying to resist the allure of a Blackberry or iPhone. How much linger do you think I can hold out?
Digital Cameras
Have you seen how many pictures I have posted here and there? We didn't really have many pictures growing up. Even in high school and college I didn't take many pictures. Call it a New Year's resolution, but I vowed to take more pictures and I have! Finally, a resolution I could keep :)
I bought a GPS for our family in the spring when I drove to Louisville for work. Dave had borrowed one for a hunting trip to Texas. I think we got the exact same one. Dave calls it Michelle. I think she's abrasive. Although, she did amuse me when we were on the houseboat this summer and used her - the image she projected was a car floating in the water.
We don't have it. We don't even have a DVR. Are we missing out on something?
Love 'em and use 'em regularly. Going to Sam's Club this week ...
The Organic Movement
I grew up in a farming family (I miss that sometimes). I have said for a long time that farmers were the first to realize the benefits of organic food and keeping it natural. I have also said that farm families were the first to recycle. At my Gram's house, we threw scraps over the fence like fertilizer, recycled cans and bottles and burned the rest of the trash. OK, maybe the burning barrels weren't the best idea, but that's what we did.
Microwave Meals
My kids like the ones in the blue boxes but I think they are too expensive. So we buy the ones in the red boxes.
This is another no-brainer! Everyone needs substantial undergarments. Some of us more than others.
Affordable Designers
I at first scoffed at this one but then realized that I like that I can buy some version of Vera Wang at Kohls and Isaac Mizrahi at Target. I used to be embarrased that my Lee jeans came from Farm & Fleet when I was a kid. Now you can buy Levi's at Wal-Mart!
Antiaging Products
Some day I might want to talk about these. Not today.
Debit Cards
Is this where I admit that I don't have a debit card and have never used an ATM? Deficit in my use of technology I guess.
Genetic Mapping
I have often wondered if this is something I should look into. Until then, I will keep getting my mammograms every six months and endure my other yearly appointments. I have to say that I don't mind visiting my dermatologist. He's dreamy!
Smoking Bans
Well, it's nice not having to shower as soon as I get home from being out. However, ...
The Workout Video
I still own my Jane Fonda video, with her in the metallic spandex. Actually, I think it may be an ex-boyfriend's mom's. Regardless, I have it and it's fabulous. I also have some yoga videos and some Pilates and I know I can access videos whenever I want On Demand. And yet, my ass is sitting here in the chair with a drink and a computer. Yep.
See post about genetic mapping. I would love an MRI too.
Totally believe in them and dish them out! I have been known to put myself in time-out too.
So, those are my thoughts on 17 breakthroughs. What are your thoughts?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Food Photography
This is probably one of my favorite food pictures. I have some problems when I travel - I have been stuck in Chicago more than once. This photo was taken at almost 1 am, after I had been in an airport or on an airplane for 10 hours. I finally made it to my hotel and was starving. I asked at the desk if there was any place I could eat and they told me that the bar was still open. I didn't want anything fried or heavy, so I chose the cheese plate. I tell you what - I almost cried when they brought it over to me. I think that was the best cheese and vodka I ever had.
Remember that sunset? Here it is - and it was beautiful. Thanks, Suz!
"Big Girl" Dates
Since her sister came along, I have done my best to make time for just she and I. Since Kaitlyn is younger, she and I are naturally together more when her sister is off doing older sister things. When Kaitlyn was a baby, toddler, and even a preschooler, these dates were easy - when Kelsey had a day off school, I would take off work and we would hang out. Most times, she would want to sleep in, watch TV and then head to Tuscola for the Pizza Hut buffet and the outlet mall. Now that Kaitlyn and Kelsey have the same school schedule, making time for each of them is a bit more challenging. Luckily, Kaitlyn is a social butterfly and gets many invitations. The last two birthday parties she has been to provided a time for Kels and I to hang out. This summer, she chose for us to get our nails done while Kaitlyn was at her party. Fine with me - my feet were a mess!
This past weekend, Kaitlyn had another party (same venue - the bowling alley). The party started at 1 so Kels and I decided that we would stay at the bowling alley and eat pizza and cheesy fries. Mmmmm - so tasty! Kelsey also had a chocolate shake, which was a treat for her. We had a great time together and I am so glad we could do this.
This morning, Kaitlyn and I went to the bank together. Almost as fun :)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Adventures with Notebooks
I spent hours every night putting entries into my notebook to pass on to my friends the next day. I think there was more collage work than writing but those notebooks were works of art. All of my Glamour and Teen Beat magazines were fair game. And when I needed something more, I would sometimes even use my mom's Better Homes and Gardens! I think the last notebook I have was from a boy who loved me my first year of college. Ahh, memories.
I recently purged my pantry. It was truly an example of the snowball effect. I bought some new Pampered Chef things from a girl at work. I brought them home and was going to put them away. I decided that I didn't like the way my Tupperware and things were organized. So, I emptied out that cabinet. I thought that the pantry would be a better place for them. So I emptied out the pantry. I could only get so much done before the girls went to bed and that was noisy work! That night, I decided that the pantry was not the place for all of that, so the next night, I emptied out the Lazy Susan. Well, four days later I finally had it all organized and put away the way I wanted it to be. All of this led to yet another project, one I started tackling tonight. I love to cook and bake and I love collecting recipes. Organizing cookbooks is one thing, but what about all of those things I print out or cut out of magazines? I found a notebook at the store the other day that seemed perfect - 5 subjects with dividers. I spent time tonight with a pile of recipes, some scissors and tape and a Bloody Mary. What fun! My girls joined in several times and did some cutting and helped me sort. I have much work to do but I tickled to see my work thus far.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A Web Site to Share
I found this fantastic site that I wanted to share. It is called "A Year of Crock Potting". A woman set a resolution for herself to use her crock pot every day for a year. And I am glad she did! Check it out for yourself:
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yearbook photos
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Photos gone wrong
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Back to school!
As we drove to the eye doctor this morning (my glasses are still broken) I asked them to set goals for themselves for the school year. Kelsey decided that she wants to become more organized. I couldn't agree more! I would also like to see her practice her math facts more. We'll see. Kaitlyn wants to learn more words. When pressed further, she wants to learn how to read and write more words. Perfect work for first grade!
Look for photos tomorrow.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday's in Sidney
Check out more Saloon pictures on my Facebook account:
Our new pets
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Catching Up
We found out that Copper died due to a pulmonary embolism (blood clot to his lungs). That is also what almost killed my dad in the fall. I guess there was nothing we could have done to prevent or save him, but that doesn't make us miss him any less. I have posted a bunch of pictures of him here: I am also working on making a scrapbook for the girls.
So, last weekend was our trip to STL. My third favorite weekend of the year :) Although I cried here and there (and thanks to my friends for putting up with it) we had a great time. I have some pictures to post, but they are on my computer. Dave's computer was up and running and it was easier to sit here than to get mine out - right?
The Cardinals won - yeah! There was some dancing, some drinks, and overall merriment. I took some terrible self portraits of me with everyone. At the end, some did turn out. The Big Bang was much better this year. They actually talked less and played more music.
The shopping on Saturday was fine. But, why is it that when I am ready to spend money, I can't find things to buy? Overall, I spent less than $100 shopping. Probably better in the long run. Fast Eddie's was a better time than I have had there in a long time. The band this year was Millenium. They were great! I danced my tail off! I can always tell the caliber of a band if I dance with a glass cup or plastic. This girl was drinking draft beer out of plastic! I danced with several of our friends but had one interesting interaction - some guy came up and danced with me. And his cell phone. Texted the whole time. Awesome.
On one hand, I am glad that STL only comes once a year. I am not sure my body can take it all. On the other hand, I wish it was more often. I need that kind of fun in my life.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Sad News
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
In Cary
I also used to spend a great deal of time in the basement. The basement is awesome and big. I always wished that it would have been completely finished, but it was perfect for me as a kid. One half of the basement had the washer and dryer, as well as an additional fridge and two freezers. Coming from an agricultural family, we always had half a steer or meat from a hog. The rest of that room was storage and my dad's workbench. They also built a cold room when I was a kid where we kept food and some beverages. The other half of the basement felt like it was all mine! There was a desk and a bookshelf. On the bookshelf was a set of encyclopedias that were my uncle's when he went to college. There was a couch that I remember from our very first house. There was a corner table with - wait for it - an 8 track player. My favorite thing to do was to roller skate throughout the basement, jamming to an 8 track. There was also an unfunished bar and I stored my toys behind it. Somehow, my dad was also able to find a big classroom sized blackboard. That was in the front of the bar and I had all sorts of chalk of all colors.
There is a nice bathroom down there too. That is where everyone showers. When I was younger, it was a huge shower. It reminded me of a locker room shower - you could fit 6 or 8 people in it! Will and Melissa had a similar shower in their house in Urbana. Right before my 7th grade graduation, my dad redid that bathroom. He did a great job! I wish he lived closer so he could come do work on my house ...
What a walk down memory lane! I should sign off and fall asleep listening to AM 780 like I always used to.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Back home
I was also glad to get my tooth fixed - whew! They took off my old filling, cleaned the tooth, and then were able to recreate the missing part of the tooth with something. I have no idea what it was! I can tell you that something they used smelled like acrylic nails. My mouth is still sore, but I can drink now using my whole mouth not just the right side.
Everyone shared their pictures yesterday. I am anxious to dig through them and get them posted. I need to figure out something fun to do with all of those pictures. Any ideas?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The last sometimes is the best
At supper, we all went around the table and said our favorite things from the day. It was really nice. Here are the things I will miss from the trip:
- Bloody Mary's after breakfast every day - thanks Chad!
- Taking turns cooking - food really does taste better when you don't have to work for it!
- Swimming every afternoon
- Swim suit and shorts as my uniform
- Ice cold beer and frosty wine from the cooler
- Watching my kids play with their cousin
I am looking forward to some things at home:
- A nice hot shower!
- Clean clothes - although I still just want to wear athletic shorts and t-shirts every day
- A trip to the dentist - who would have thought I would have ever wanted that!
We are very thankful to Pam and Dave for this trip. Pam is right - we will take the memories with us.
Last full day on the lake
We are parked at the marina right now to get those problems worked out. We are finding a nice cove to swim in this afternoon and then spending the last night at the marina. Where we parked for last night was very beautiful but snake infested, we found out. So, we will be a bit more selective this afternoon.
Here are the meals on tap for today:
Breakfast - Dave and Lisa = hashbrowns, bacon and sausage on the grill, coffeecake from the 4-H cookbook and banana bread
Lunch - Dave and Pam = hot dogs and brats
Dinner - Chad and Jenn = pork chops, beans, garlic bread
Tomorrow will be leftovers before we leave around 1o. One Dave wants to get back in time for guitar and the other Dave wants to get home to mow.
Well, gonna finish my Bloody Mary before the Pina Coladas are done. More later ...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Rain on the lake
Here is our menu for the day:
Breakfast - Dave and Pam = bacon and eggs on the grill, biscuits and gravy
Lunch - Chad and Jenn = cold meat sandwiches
Dinner - Dave and Lisa = pork loin, potato casserole, rolls, cheesecake.
We are in charge of breakfast in the morning.
The theme of the day seems to be teeth - I broke a tooth at lunch. I bit something the other day and hurt my tooth. When I looked at it I didn't see anything. Figured I hit a filling wrong. Well, ONE CHIP into lunch today and away went a quarter of my back tooth. Put a call into the dentist ... Also had no real pain meds so I am trying Dramamine. We'll see!
And for the second time on this trip, Kaitlyn lost a tooth! Her two missing teeth both happened on this trip!
Pictures tomorrow.