Friday, October 17, 2008

Thinking about Halloween

I have been thinking about Halloween quite a bit lately. Well, it's only two weeks away! I love the whole process of dreaming up what you want to be and how you can make it happen. I don't think I have ever had a store bought costume in my whole life. My two favorite costumes when I was a kid was a roll of Lifesavers and a clown costume my Gram made. Kelsey wore it too :)

This year, Kelsey is going to be a Goth Princess and Kaitlyn is going to be a Unity Rockets cheerleader. Kelsey drew me a picture of what she wanted and, thanks to the magic of the Internet, I was able to find something! Kaitlyn already had the cheerleading outfit - we are just going to bling it up a bit!

My work is really cool about Halloween. They host a costume contest and pumpkin carving contest every year. There are lots of good sports at work and we have dressed up in awesome costumes the past few years.

I am not sure what way I should go this year. Any ideas?

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