It feels like people are going crazy right now with email surveys and Facebook notes. I got this one today from a former colleague. It seemed more fun than some of the others. Here it is:
42 ODD Things about you!
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yes and I talked about it at work today
2. Have you ever smoked? Yes
3. Do you own a gun? Is my name on one? No
4. What flavor Kool-Aid was your favorite? Cherry Red
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Sometimes and it gets worse the later they are
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I like them at the ballpark.
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Christmas Story
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Wild Cherry Pepsi Fountain Drink
9. Can you do pushups? Can I? Yes. Do I? No.
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? The ring I inherited from my Gram.
11. Favorite hobby? I have been told I would be happier if I had more hobbies. I guess I would have to say collecting recipes.
12. Do you have A.D.D.? No, but I am always multitasking.
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? I gravitate towards negative as my first reaction.
14. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I need to finish Kaitlyn's room, what am I going to wear tomorrow, and what am I forgetting to do?
15. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Wild Cherry Pepsi Fountain Drink, water, Blood Mary
16. Current worry? The economy
17. Current hate right now? How busy I seem to be. I was too busy to attend a time management workshop at work today!
18. Favorite place to be? With my girls
19. How did you bring in the New Year? Vomiting
20. Where would you like to go? This is a conversation we have at my house. Hubby wants to go to Europe but there are too many places in the US we haven't been yet. I would love to drink wine in Napa and see the life in the Hamptons.
21. Name three people who will complete this? Since it's on my blog, I bet I will get comments but probably not other completions.
22. Do you own slippers? They are somewhere ...
23. What shirt are you wearing? A Marshall sweatshirt. I have no idea where it is from. It came home with me from Melissa's wedding weekend.
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I don't think I ever have! I used to like flannel sheets.
25. Can you whistle? Not well
26. Favorite color? Red
27. Would you be a pirate for Halloween ? Why not? I love to dress up!
28. What songs do you sing in the shower? I like to listen to the radio in the shower. If I sing along, it's usually to what's on.
29. Favorite Girl's Name? Margaret
30. Favorite boy's name? Glen
31. What's in your pocket right now? I don't have pockets!
32. Last thing that made you laugh? Kaitlyn's bedtime stalling tactics
33. What vehicle do you drive? Chevy HHR
34. Worst injury you've ever had? Hurting my back my senior year of high school
35. Do you love where you live? Sure
36. How many TVs do you have in your house? A lot!
37. Who is your loudest friend? Umm, I am really loud myself. I don't know who trumps that.
38. Do you have any pets? Since we lost Copper, we have 2 guinea pigs.
39. Does someone have a crush on you? That would be awesome!
40. Your favorite book? I love children's literature.
41. Do you collect anything? Recipes and cookbooks
42. Favorite Sports Team? Whatever my kids are playing
Enjoy and play along!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Green Movement
I think recycling and paying attention to what we do to and for the environment is important. I also know that we should do more at our house about this. However, there are times when this movement goes a little too far. When I was at the pharmacy yesterday (for the 3rd time that weekend!) I saw a woman with a purse made out of obviously recycled materials. What, you ask? A dog food bag. Her purse, which now holds a wallet and key, used to hold kibble. There has to be a happy medium ...
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Pear Cake
I made this yummy new recipe for a meeting at work on Friday. Too bad I didn't get to go (sick Kaitlyn again) I guess that means I get to keep all the cake for myself :)
Check it out:
Check it out:
Friday, January 23, 2009
A Great Article to Share
My husband passed an article on to me today from one of his favorite writers at ESPN. It wasn't about sports at all - it was about his dog. I will warn you - it made me bawl like a baby.
The article was so well-written and it made me miss our Copper even more. It makes you remember that you need to appreciate every day with the ones you love - no matter how many legs they walk on.
The article was so well-written and it made me miss our Copper even more. It makes you remember that you need to appreciate every day with the ones you love - no matter how many legs they walk on.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Inauguration
The inauguration was fantastic yesterday. I am so glad to be an American right now. I watched/listened to as much as I could yesterday. Several of my colleagues from DC were there and I have truly enjoyed looking and their pictures and living vicariously through them.
My older daughter got to watch all of it on TV yesterday. I was glad for that. She was in the voting booth with me when we elected our president. It was interesting to get an almost 10 year old's take on the events of the day.
What were your thoughts about the inauguration?
BTW - this is my 50th post. Who knew?
My older daughter got to watch all of it on TV yesterday. I was glad for that. She was in the voting booth with me when we elected our president. It was interesting to get an almost 10 year old's take on the events of the day.
- She and her friends were glad that Obama was not shot yesterday. With the inauguration following the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. celebration, assassination was on their minds.
- They didn't like the poem that was read by Elizabeth Alexander. I have to say that I am on the fence about it myself, although I did think of a lesson plan idea based upon it.
- They liked the Benediction. They thought he was a funny speaker and they liked that he rhymed even if the poem before him didn't!
- They paid attention to the clothes that everyone was wearing. I wish she could have watched the balls with me later.
- In her Time Magazine for Kids, she really enjoyed the new photo of the living presidents. Obama is sandwiched between George HW and George W.
What were your thoughts about the inauguration?
BTW - this is my 50th post. Who knew?
Monday, January 19, 2009
More on Recipes
Tonight, the girls and I updated my notebook. I seemed to have mainly appetizers and desserts, which makes sense. Those are my favorite things to make. I also had a number of chicken recipes. I know they are all things I would like, but I am not sure about the rest of the members of my family. We'll see. There were a number of recipes that I had printed or cut out that I wondered why I had done that. Some I saved, loosely in the back of the notebook. Others, I threw away. One I am on the fence about - a recipe for a Bloody Mary using pasta sauce. It came from an insert "50 Things to Do with Pasta Sauce". I am a huge fan of Bloody Mary's and don't know if I could do that. Maybe if someone else made it for me ...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Change of focus?
Sometimes I think I should change this blog to one about cooking and recipes. Those are things I make time for every day. However, I read other food blogs every day, and I know I couldn't compete with them. Instead today, I will share with you the best new recipe I have tried lately. It is from Paula Deen and it is Apple Butter Pumpkin Pie: Oh, it was so good! I made it during the holidays when my folks were here. I was lucky enough to have homemade apple butter from someone at my church. Mmmmm.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Reflections on NYE
Since we have been in 2009, it's about time that I write about New Year's. Out of all of the holidays, it has never ranked up there for me. One of our family friends has always called it "Amateur Night". I think I agree! When I was a kiddo, even through my early teen years, I spent NYE with my Gram. She was my favorite person in the whole world. She was the Margaret in Kelsey Margaret :) We had crackers and cheese and hot chocolate and watched Dick Clark. I have no idea if we ever made it until midnight, but we created some of my best childhood. As a teenager before boyfriends, I went to friend's houses for sleepover parties. Although we had fun, to me, they felt like just another sleepover. One year, I think we had a co-ed sleepover too. Since then, I have done almost everything to celebrate - house parties, progressive parties, hotel parties, club parties, etc. Still, I have never felt like NYE was any big deal. I told myself that this year, I would go into NYE optimistic and have a great time. We went to our friends' for a party - I think this was the third or fourth year. They recently remodeled their basement (it looks fantastic!) so a majority of the people were down there. I decided to hang out upstairs, near the food of course. Long story short - I am no longer in practice to hang with the big boys. However, I had more fun at this party than I have had at any NYE party in a long time. Thanks B Family!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Update on our Adventure
I finally have my pictures uploaded from Christmas and beyond so I can finally update my blog (thank you for being patient) On December 30, Dave and I made it to Lovell's restaurant.
It was really cool inside with all sorts of space memorabilia:

Dave had a $16 burger, I had a $17 chicken salad sandwich. We also had some yummy drinks with space names. Dave had an Apollo 13 and I had a Heat Shield.
At one point, Dave was excited to see Jim Lovell's son who is the executive chef. He came out of the kitchen to talk to the hostess about the dinner specials. Towards the end of our meal, we saw him - Jim Lovell! There was a little boy eating lunch at the restaurant for his birthday and Jim Lovell came over to talk to him. The little boy lit up! Then, Jim invited the boy to come and take some photos. I told Dave that we should hover and swoop in when the boy was done so Dave could have his picture taken too. Dave wouldn't do it. I did get to talk to Jim's handler though when she pointed out where more artifacts were for us to look at. I told her it was awfully nice that Mr. Lovell was talking with that little boy. She did not make the offer for us to talk to him though :)

Dave had a $16 burger, I had a $17 chicken salad sandwich. We also had some yummy drinks with space names. Dave had an Apollo 13 and I had a Heat Shield.

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