I have had several blog posts in my head all week and this is the first time I had sat down to type them. So we will have one big mess of a post.
Sunday, they girls and I went to the NKOTB concert. I won tickets on the radio and it was Kaitlyn's turn to go since I took
Kelsey to REO in the fall. Wellm two days before the concert, my friend Annie called and said she had an extra set of tickets - she was already going. Annie said her mom was going to use one of the tickets and said Kelsey could use the other. So we all got to go see. NKOTB. I wasn't a fan back in the day, but I have to say, it was a great concert!

Tuesday, Kaitlyn got her tonsils and adenoids out. She has had strep nonstop since January. In fact, her tonsils were infected when they took them out. Kaitlyn did a great job! She hated the IV and asked the nurse what she had to do to get it out. Once that happened, she wanted to go home and asked again what she needed to do to go home. When she found out she was discharged, she got out of that hospital gown so fast! She is doing well and I have learned to stay on top of her meds. The hospital had a stuffed animal on her gurney when we got there. It was super cute :)

Before we knew Kaitlyn was going to have surgery, Dave and I planned a trip to Memphis. We were going to take the girls to his mom's Thursday night and leave for Memphis super early Friday morning. We were going to stay right on Beale Street at the Peabody and be back in timie for Easter dinner. Well, that trip was cancelled :( I think now instead Dave is coming with my to DC in June. All of these trips can now be possible because my mother-in-law retired last week. Her party was a week ago Friday. We had a great time! Slim Skinny and the Bunkhouse Bunkaroo played.

Tonight, the girls and I colored Easter eggs. Most years, we host a BBQ and egg coloring party the day before Easter. We have a lot of friends come, we eat drink and dye. Kaitlyn was disappointed that it was only going to be the 3 of us tonight. I will add pics once they are uploaded.
Tomorrow, the in-laws are coming for Easter. We typically go up there but I'm not ready to put Kaitlyn in a car for a 65 minute drive yet.
I am sure there was more I wanted to say for this week. But that's all I've got.
1 comment:
Busy, busy, busy as usual!
So good to see Annie! :)
I'm glad Kaitlyn is doing well!
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